S P E C I A L I S T   G R O U P 



Hank  Oh has served as a strategy partner since January 2021 and previously served as Local Whisky Consumer & Customer Marketing Director at Diageo Korea from July 2019 to Oct 2020.

Prior to Diageo Korea, he served 22 years in extensive marketing & sales planning in large consumer product companies, Ssangyong Paper & P&G NEA (North East Asia), SC Johnson, Doosan liquor business group, and MSS group (Ssangyong C&B/Monalisa).

He specializes in business turnaround management which cover FMCG Marketing, Brand strategy, e-commerce, Data Analysis, New product development, Trade/customer strategy, and long-term corporate strategy based on multiple track record for business success. He helps client lead organization-wide transformational initiative that deliver sustainable revenue growth and increased profitability.
Senior Researcher


Junhui Jeong has an academic background in social welfare, and also lectures in university and involves in data research.

He has coordinated research studies as an independent consultant with Synovate & Ipsos Korea User Sensing Div. and Indeeds for over 10 years.

He has the affinity for building business strategies and specializes in innovative research in consumer experience projects for new or existing products. Some of prominent project portfolio includes, Samsung, CJ, LG, PMK, and various projects in cosmetics and consumer electronic industry.

User Experience Researcher, US Moderator


She is passionate about designing solutions that empower the end user. Whether the solution involves technology, process, or both, user-centric approach to research and project management have enabled the development of sustainable solutions that address challenges in complex domains such as health and social services.

She is a creative problem solver who enjoys working closely with developers and technical leads at every stage of agile development.

Shorthand Expert


Jeong-hee Lim is an expert in shorthand and oversees the recording data for field interviews.
She also participates the process of classifying and tagging RAW data.

Since 2019, she has participated in face-to-face interviews with consumer home visits, 1:1 ZOOM consumer interviews, FGD, expert interviews, and shorthand recorded interviews.

She also participates in the project team's internal workshops to provide feedback on consumer interviews and confirmation of the consumer requirements recorded in the field.

Technical Support 


Bong-Kwan Kim is in charge of IT and SW utilization and installation required for the research process, as well as technical work and UX / platform idea development and connection work.

He participated in a number of user research projects with Samsung from 2015 to 2020, especially with Indeeds, and was in charge of collecting and managing data related to text, audio, photos, and video. In particular, he edited the insights derived after completing the due diligence into video and audio, and executed a number of work on the final report of the highlight video.