I N S I G H T /  W O R K S H O P / S T R A T E G Y 

Indeeds has a wide range of know-hows on pre/post lifestyle documentation, pre/post mission performance, 1:1 table collage, development and utilization of stimuli to reinforce consumer involvement and participation in non-face-to-face qualitative research sessions. Indeeds uses combinations of methodologies and techniques such as macro/micro trend research, design research, ethnography, digital ethnography, home visit, creative workshop, IDI, expert interview, mini group discussion, and FGD for conducting research.

I N D E E D S    S E P C I A L T Y 
• Consumer and commercial insight
• Digital ethnography and analysis  
• User-centered product and service design strategy
• Innovation capacity building
• Design, brand and innovation strategy

I N D E E D S     V A L U E     I N N O V A T I O N     P R O G R A M
( I N - V I P   S T E P  1,2,3 ) 

P R O J E C T S    C O N D U C T E D   D U R I N G    Y 2015 -2020 

I N D E E D S   C L I E N T S